In my opinion, yesterday provided the very best example of what it means to be involved in a Club such as West Surrey, with club members working together to put on a truly exceptional event.  The Tour of the Hills is our major event of the year, and a few weeks before the event there were a few challenges to overcome.  However, true club spirit prevailed, and the combined work of very many people enabled the Club to put on an event of which we can all be proud.  The feedback from entrants was consistently positive, not to say effusive, with one seasoned campaigner saying that it was the best Audax event that he had ever experienced. 
Don Gray was the mainstay and worked through the year, but thanks go to all those who helped in so many ways, particularly with the catering and the marshalling, both of which were considered to be quite exceptional.  I will not name names, but simply say, thank you all.
John Murdoch
  1. Many Thanks Don and all your helpers. The number of manned controls with water and sustenance available at each, together with the quality of the food make this one of the best organised Audaxes I have ever done.

  2. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone from the club whose cheerfulness and encouragement got me round the course yesterday.
    Don if I try and sign on next year will you remind me that it is my turn to marshal again and let someone else have a chance to ride ????